WARNING - PICTURES OF SNAKES AT THE VERY END OF THIS POST!!! Another warning precedes the paragraph that precedes the pictures. I know there are some of you who would prefer not to see the pictures, so I've posted the fun stuff first!!
Today was the first day of school! Nathan was looking forward to meeting his new Grade 4 teacher (she's been on maternity leave for the last 2 years) and Larissa was thrilled to start Grade 1 with a teacher she was already familiar with. I, however, was rather relaxed this morning (for real) that I completely forgot to take pictures of the kids on their first day of school! Mom of the year I am not! So I grabbed the camera and took the chaotic just-off-the-bus pictures. No one was wanting to pose for pictures and everyone wanted to get home to tell me about their day. So....here are the crazy pics I got this afternoon.
Here's proof of how relaxed we were this morning, Nathan's playing Blokus on my iPod after breakfast. We are so relaxed in the morning that our brains don't quite function properly. I remember to take pictures of the uber-relaxed moments but completely forget the important ones, like the first day of school!
Rushing off the bus
The mad bike scramble as the bus drives away!
After supper the kids and I hopped on the quads and went to the house. When we were finished there we decided to go for a little ride. When we pulled back onto the yard the chain fell off from the quad Nathan was driving. I don't know how to fix it, I'm sure it's simple, but I didn't want to give myself a crash course in quad maintenance! Thankfully the quad is small so I was expecting an easy push to the shed. Turns out, I didn't have to do anything! The kids worked together and pushed the quad from the northeast corner of the yard all the way into the shop, I didn't even open the shop doors, Nathan did that himself! I realized right there how big, mature, helpful and loving my kids are. The girls were more than willing to help. Larissa automatically got behind the quad to push and all Nathan had to say was "Bethany, I've got a job for you" and she was a very willing participant. It helped that her job was to steer the quad that she's not allowed to drive! (Yes, Mom, the quad was turned off!)
I don't think the older two trusted the steering of the youngest one so she had to get off and push so Nathan could steer from the side while still pushing. Amazingly enough, there were no complaints from Bethany when she was asked to push.
For those who may get the creepy crawlies I'm going to post a WARNING - PICTURES OF SNAKES TO FOLLOW THIS PARAGRAPH!!!! Ron's sister and family were out for most of last week so we headed on down to Reptile Gardens. Ron & Nathan did not join us, they had to "farm". They both have a huge fear of snakes that even though the snakes are behind glass that's still not enough to protect them. I'm not mocking them, I definitely do not want one as a pet and I am more than happy that my kids are not willing to pick up the garters we have around here. I find snakes amazing though and I am willing to expose my girls to something out of my comfort zone, like an up close and personal encounter with an albino boa constrictor that was about 20 ft long and weighed 70 lbs!
Pictures start now!!
The girls were a little leary to touch the snake but it didn't take long for them to warm up to her!
Apparently she had just shed her skin so she was looking "beautiful".
Our 11 month old niece LOVED the snake! I think if she could have taken it home with her and cuddled with it in her crib she would have!