This week was the Fair in town. It's always a big deal in our family and we are gone pretty much all day. It starts with the parade at 9:00 and ends with fireworks at 11:00, or whenever it gets dark, so it's a long day! The last couple of years have been busier too with the kids watching friends who compete in the horse classes, 4H cattle classes and then grandpa in the tractor pull. This year a kids tractor pull was added too. It was a lot of fun watching the kids pedal until their legs could pedal no more!
Every year our kids ride in the parade in these carts that Ron's dad had made for giving the grandkids rides around the yard in. They have been greatly enjoyed by many children over the last few years! The "float" promotes Acres of Hope, our local Foodgrains Bank project that Ron is involved in. They aren't all Krahn grandchildren in the picture. Unfortunately this year the field was too wet to seed so there won't be a crop. Ron's mom and the grandkids that live on the yard have their own project going this year, however, and will be selling corn and other produce in town to raise funds for the project.
Ron's brother and his oldest son drove the John Deere 'A'
Ron's dad and Nathan drove the 930 Case tractor.
Bethany getting ready to out-pull the competition!
Nathan's pedalling for all he's worth!
Larissa decided not to participate, her friends were competing in the horse shows so she didn't have their influence to compete.
The fireworks show was definitely one of the best ones we've ever seen. Bethany wasn't too thrilled with the noise and some of them got so high they looked like they were going fall right on us so she was rather scared. I told her that next year we'll be able to watch them from our front porch so she's looking forward to that!